
Curious how I transformed this IKEA Besta unit into a customized walnut media console!?

I had been planning a custom media unit along the ~13 foot long wall in my family room, but with so many other things to do, I couldn’t justify spending an obscene amount I money for a custom piece. Do my kids really need an ultra expensive cabinet to put their video and board games into?!? One of these drawers was filled with various colors of kinetic sand when I was working on the makeover. I’m neurotic enough as it is, if this were a several thousand dollar piece, I’d have more grey hairs sprouting than I already do. If you have kids, then you know that kids and precious things do not go hand-in-hand.

All that to say, I was THRILLED with Modern Twig LA reached out to me to see if I wanted to update my boring, cheap, white IKEA Besta unit with their want, horizontal grain matched doors and drawers. It was a “shout it from the rooftops” YES! They also suggested swapping out my contact paper terrazzo top with a walnut top… I wasn’t so sure about that change but once the pieces arrived, it elevated the look so much. Why I was shocked, I do not know.

I am thrilled with how this piece now connects to the newly renovated kitchen. It makes it feel like an natural extension of the space… and a cohesive space.

I highly recommend reaching out to Modern Twig LA if you are looking for a budget friendly makeover for any IKEA boxes… kitchen, media, or bathroom, they do it all! If walnut isn’t your vibe, they ha


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